Women interested in becoming members may contact a chapter member for Information on meeting times, places and dates, and may visit as a guest. Guests are welcome to attend up to three meetings, with the exception of any closed meetings open only to UDC members. A membership application can be requested from the registrar.
Prospective membership begins with receipt of a membership application. The prospective members will then have up to a year of friendship building along with genealogical research to establish a proven connection to a relative who served during the War Between the States. The prospective member may attend all meetings and events of the chapter (with the exception of any closed meetings) and will receive notices of monthly programs, special events, and any changes in programs or events.
The application for membership, fees and completed research must be submitted to the chapter within one year of receiving the membership application. (An extension is possible for research that is well underway as determined by the Board.) At the end of one year, the prospective member may not attend any more meetings or events unless this extension has been granted.
The application fee is $52. After the application is approved by the national organization annual dues of $50 will apply, payable in September of each year.